June 22, 2024

Blur's Best Live Performances: A Fan's Rockin' Rollercoaster Ride

Alright, buckle up, Blur fans! We’re about to take a whirlwind tour through Blur's most electrifying live performances – a journey filled with more twists and turns than a British soap opera. Get ready for a ride down memory lane, where the amps go up to eleven, and Damon Albarn's energy could power a small village.

First stop: Hyde Park, 2009. Picture this – it’s a sunny day (a rare treat in London), and you’ve got four Britpop legends reuniting after a long hiatus. The air was electric, the crowd was buzzing, and the band was on fire. They belted out hits like "Song 2," and let me tell you, the “woo-hoos” were heard across the English Channel. This wasn't just a concert; it was a full-on Britpop resurrection!

Flash forward to Glastonbury 2009. Blur on the Pyramid Stage is like fish and chips – quintessentially British and downright delicious. Albarn crying during "Tender"? That wasn't just rain on our faces; those were tears of Britpop joy, my friends.

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Now, let's talk about their 2012 Brit Awards performance. Blur received the Outstanding Contribution to Music award, and boy, did they show us why. They turned the awards show into their own personal rock fest. It was like watching your favorite uncle show up to a family reunion and absolutely nail a karaoke session.

We can't forget the magic of their 2015 show at the Hollywood Bowl. They brought a little piece of Britain to the City of Angels, and Los Angeles didn't know what hit it. It was a night of nostalgia, new hits from "The Magic Whip," and enough energy to light up the Hollywood sign.

And who could overlook their epic 2013 performance at Coachella? Blur in the desert was like a mirage of Britpop awesomeness – a sight to behold and a sound to be revered. The crowd was a sea of swaying bodies, all united by the power of "Parklife" and "Country House."

These live performances weren't just concerts; they were cultural milestones. They were moments where time stood still, and the only thing that mattered was the music. Albarn's charismatic presence, Graham Coxon's killer guitar riffs, Alex James' bass grooves, and Dave Rowntree's pounding drums – it was a recipe for live performance perfection.

Seriously, Blur’s live gigs are like a rollercoaster – they take you up, down, and all around, but you never want to get off. Each show is a reminder of why we fell in love with them in the first place. So, here’s to Blur – may they continue to rock our socks off and give us live performances that resonate through the ages. Now, if only we could get them to play at every backyard BBQ and family gathering. One can dream, right?

October 21, 2012

Will Blur steal the show with two Q Awards in 2012 ?

Blur has been nominated by voters online for two awards at the Q Awards this year. They are the "Best Live Act" award and the "Best Act In The World Today" award. Blur will be up against bands who made a mark in musical history or has contributed much to the London Olympics 2012, such as The Stone Roses and Coldplay, for the prizes. 

The full broadcast will be live on October 22nd 2012, where we will learn whether or not Blur has made their mark once again in the Q Award winner's list. 

blur qawards, q awards 2012, blur brits, blur awards

Feel free to share the poster above and spread the word - and lets see whether Blur can manage to steal the show by winning all two categories.

Watch the show online and catch up on the show.

Order the new Blur: Parklife (Live at Hyde Park CD / DVD) HERE
Order the new Blur boxset HERE
Blur first ever 2012 gig-  Maida Vale gig full coverage HERE
Blur for Spain and Porto HERE
Blur Europe Tour News  HERE


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